Friday, May 31, 2013

"Healing Newtown" update with the Smiles for Sandy Hook art

It is with great happiness that we let you know that the art that was created from the "Smiles for Sandy Hook" event that CBIG held this past December will continue to be exhibited in a special exhibit.  Here is the information that was received recently about the artwork!  Thanks everyone for making this such an amazing experience for everyone involved!

     I am pleased to tell you that your art has been chosen by the Connecticut Commission on Children located at our state Capital in Hartford to be in a show which will take place at the Capital.  The format of the show is based on "a tribute to Newtown", it also will include other art from Connecticut as well as national and international works have been selected as well.  The Show will be up in the State Capital from June 5th to July 5th.  There will be a presentation/public forum held at the state legislative building on June 5th from 9:30 am to 12:30 which artists are invited to attend.  You will be hearing from the representatives of this show shortly.  Thank you so much for your contributions this show is an honor to your pieces and if you are unable to attend we will have pictures posted on our website .  Congratulations on being chosen for the show .


Jackie DeFlumeri
Nancy Depuy

Healing Newtown Art Center

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